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Idwal News

Idwal Unveils Social Impact Report on seafarer welfare

by Sue Henney

Comprehensive Data-Driven Assessment Empowers Maritime Stakeholders to Prioritise Seafarer Welfare

CARDIFF, UK – Idwal, the leading ship inspection, technology, and data business, has announced the launch of its Social Impact Report. This comprehensive industry-first study provides unprecedented transparency into the real-world working and living conditions experienced by seafarers across the global maritime fleet.


Drawing on data from over 13,000 vessel inspections conducted by Idwal's surveyors, the report leverages a proprietary Social Impact Score (SIS) framework to assess ten critical pillars of seafarer welfare, including accommodation, connectivity, health, and recreation. The findings reveal significant gaps between industry commitments and the on-the-ground reality for crew members.

"As a data-driven business deeply embedded in the maritime industry, we have a unique vantage point into the lived experiences of seafarers," said Nick Owens, CEO of Idwal. "This report represents a call-to-action for all stakeholders to prioritise tangible improvements in crew welfare, which is not only a moral imperative but also crucial for the long-term sustainability and resilience of the sector."

The report's key findings include:

  • A 27.6% cumulative gap between current conditions and the target 100% social impact score, highlighting widespread deficiencies across the industry
  • Significant shortcomings in critical areas such as connectivity and recreation
  • Substantial variations in performance across vessel types, ages, and sizes, indicating the need for targeted interventions
  • Bright spots showcasing best practices that can be replicated to drive positive change

By shining a light on these crucial but often overlooked aspects of seafarer welfare, the Idwal Social Impact Report empowers maritime stakeholders, from charterers and insurers to ship owners and regulators, to make more informed, socially responsible decisions. The report's insights can also help vessel operators identify areas for improvement and investment, strengthening their ESG credentials and positioning them as employers of choice in the increasingly competitive seafaring labour market.

"This report represents a major step forward in integrating the 'S' of ESG into the maritime industry," Owens continued. "By providing data-driven transparency and a consistent framework for assessing social performance, we aim to catalyse meaningful, measurable progress in enhancing the lives and working conditions of the individuals who are the backbone of our industry."

The Idwal Social Impact Report is available for download at www.idwalmarine.com/social-impact-report. For more information or to discuss the findings, please contact marketing@idwalmarine.com.


Crew Welfare

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