About Idwal
A well-known name across the maritime sector
Our Promise
We promise to provide you with a high quality inspection at a competitive price, using highly experienced surveyors, and quickly deliver a report which is clear, objective, consistent and easy to understand so that you can act on it and make smarter decisions.
Over a decade delivering ship inspections
Idwal’s 500-point inspection reports provide transparent and actionable insights into a vessel’s maintenance, quality and ESG compliance, contextualised by the IDWAL Grade®, the industry standard for measuring asset integrity.
Idwal’s data-driven methodology ensures that reports are consistent, intuitive to read, accurate and free from bias. Trusted as the industry standard, they inspect almost half of all vessels sold each year.
Founded in 2010, Idwal is based in Cardiff, UK, with offices in Singapore, Shanghai, Tokyo and Athens, and with an extensive surveyor network around the globe.
of all vessels sold in 2023 had an Idwal Grade
of the global fleet inspected since 2019
inspection reports delivered every day
Why Idwal?
Idwal is the ship inspection, technology and data business. The global leader in independent sale and purchase inspections and the industry’s trusted partner for fleet condition monitoring.
Idwal’s 500-point inspection reports provide transparent and actionable insights into a vessel’s maintenance, quality and ESG compliance, contextualised by the Idwal Grade®, the industry standard for measuring asset integrity.
Idwal’s data-driven methodology ensures that reports are consistent, intuitive to read, accurate and free from bias. Trusted as the industry standard, they inspect almost half of all vessels sold each year.
Founded in 2010, Idwal is based in Cardiff, UK, with offices in Singapore, Shanghai, Tokyo and Athens, and with an extensive surveyor network around the globe.
The Idwal Grade®
The Idwal Grade is the gold standard of ship condition grades, used by financiers, shipbrokers, and shipping companies across the globe.
Right of Reliance
All of Idwal's projects, inspections, and services come with a right of reliance on report validity and accuracy, giving you peace of mind.
Technical Excellence
All Idwal services and inspection reports are underpinned by an extensive QA programme, supported by shoreside ex-seafarers.
Speed of Service
Idwal strives to accommodate even the most short notice inspections, with reports delivering within 5 working days.
Dedicated Platforms
Idwal's in expert in-house software engineering team have developed dedicated platforms for condition improvement & S&P services.
ESG & Social Impact
Alongside Idwal's standard condition inspections and data benchmarking, we have developed ESG and Social Impact scores for the market.
Meet the Executive Team
At Idwal we are a passionate team of shipping professionals, marine engineers, surveyors and master mariners, working alongside developers and technology professionals to provide an unrivalled platform and a market leading product.
Each has their own extensive experience and proven backgrounds in their chosen field and work together towards a common goal: to bring ship inspections into the digital age with paramount efficiency, objectivity and accuracy of data.
Nick Owens
David Evans
George Haysom
Rob Mckay
"K Line has used Idwal’s pre-sale services on numerous occasions to encourage an open and fair selling process for ships placed on the S&P market. The process is seamless, transparent and has generated high levels of interest in the buyers’ market with good, clean offers which have concluded in successful sales of K Line vessels".
K Line
Sustainability at Idwal
Running a global business with an extensive global surveyor network provides us numerous opportunities to improve our impacts environmentally and socially. We are extremely proud to run a carbon neutral business and we actively help our industry to improve its own sustainability with the tools and insight that we can provide, particularly relating to decarbonisation and crew welfare.
Get in touch
Have a question for the team?, you can use the form below to get in contact with a member of the Idwal Customer team who will be more than happy to help.