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Idwal News

Spotlight special edition: International Women's Day 2024

by Sue Henney

This International Women's Day, we're proud to showcase three of our many fantastic Idwal women who are breaking barriers and inspiring inclusion in our business. At Idwal, we believe that a diverse workforce brings diverse perspectives, which help us create better solutions for the future.

Nicole Davenport: Senior Account Manager, Cardiff

In an industry traditionally dominated by men, what strategies have you employed to establish yourself in your role? 

There are so many inspirational women in maritime, actively trying to carve out a place for us in such a male-dominated industry. During my own journey, I have found that I have finally accepted and in fact embraced my confident and assertive personality, refusing to let negative stereotypes hold me back. Building meaningful connections with my mentors and allies has also been instrumental, my support network is continuously providing guidance, advice, and encouragement along the way – especially when things get challenging.  It also certainly helps to know that with each career milestone I achieve and every personal barrier I break, I know I am not just forging my path but also paving the way for future generations of women in the industry.

In honour of International Women's Day, could you share a piece of advice or lesson learned throughout your career journey that has been particularly meaningful to you, regardless of your specific role or industry?

“One invaluable lesson I've learned in my career is the importance of celebrating small wins. I have found that amidst all the challenges and uphill battles, taking a moment to acknowledge and celebrate even the smallest victories has been essential for maintaining my motivation and momentum.  Whether it's overcoming a tough negotiation or completing a challenging task, these small victories fuel my confidence and help me to become more resilient. Today, I encourage every woman in the industry to pause, reflect, and celebrate their own victories — they are the waves propelling us toward greater success and fulfilment!”


Maureen Fronda: Operations Executive, Singapore 

In an industry traditionally dominated by men, what strategies have you employed to establish yourself in your role? 

I've focused on doing my job well and building positive relationships with everyone I work with. I make sure to stay up to date with what's happening in the industry and always communicate my ideas and contributions confidently. I've also been lucky to have mentors who support and guide me along the way. These strategies have helped me establish myself in a field that's traditionally been dominated by men.

Could you share a pivotal moment in your career where your perspective as a woman has positively influenced a business decision or client interaction, ultimately leading to success for your team or the business?


In my journey within the marine industry, I've embraced my unique perspective as a woman to make a positive impact on business decisions and client interactions. A standout moment was when I joined the pioneering team at our Singapore office, representing the operations team for Idwal. Here, my approachable demeanour and strong communication skills strengthened our client relationships and added to our team's achievements. Similarly, in previous roles at shipyard and marine service provider company, I played a key role in building customer relations and managing ship communication services. By effectively collaborating with various stakeholders, I helped achieve successful outcomes in these endeavours.

In honour of International Women's Day, could you share a piece of advice or lesson learned throughout your career journey that has been particularly meaningful to you, regardless of your specific role or industry?

Throughout my career journey, one piece of advice that has been particularly meaningful to me is to always believe in myself and my abilities, even in the face of challenges or setbacks. Regardless of my role or industry, this lesson has taught me the importance of resilience, self-confidence, and perseverance in achieving my goals. It has empowered me to embrace opportunities for growth, overcome obstacles, and strive for success in both my personal and professional endeavours.


Amanda Llewellyn: Head of Product, Cardiff 

As a female Head of Product in a maritime technology business like ours, what unique perspectives or approaches do you bring to the table within Idwal?

I hope and try to bring collaborative leadership to the business, advocating for teamwork and consensus building when tackling challenges. Providing technology solutions in the maritime space is a complex proposition, with myriad stakeholders, building strong partnerships and good working relationships are essential for delivering optimal results.


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