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Idwal Makes the Grade at 32nd Annual Marine Money Week in NYC

by Paul Howe

After attending the 32nd Annual Marine Money Week in New York City, The World’s Largest Ship Finance Forum, Idwal's Nick Owens sent a clear message to the ship finance community that saw the impact reach all the way to the Nasdaq closing ceremony.

Presenting at Marine Money Week 2019, Nick Owens, Managing Director called upon investors to pay greater attention to the management and maintenance regime of their assets as the unique Idwal condition grading system allows investors to easily asses the condition of their maritime assets.




Data shows a marked decline since 2017 in the condition of dry bulk, particularly in the handy and supramax sectors, and container ships.

Analysing data from Inspectmyship.com, the first platform of its kind, Owens highlights the wide range of condition and management scores between technical managers.

“Idwal’s data also shows that technical managers don’t always manage vessels to the same standard consistently within their own managed fleet, underlining the need for shipowners to keep a keen eye on the management of their assets.” said Owens as reported in The Maritime Executive.

Inspectmyship.com reports – powered by Idwal, provides concise information with a clear grading system that helps clients understand the condition of their assets and giving critical analysis of their maritime investment.

As featured in  Ship Management International “The Idwal grade is the industry’s only consistent source of standardized ship-condition data available and is becoming the industry benchmark for banks, financial institutions, private equity groups, ship owners, brokers, insurers and charterers.”

Speaking to Hellenic Shipping News, Chris Williams, Chairman of Idwal, said “Idwal’s insight into the condition of the world fleet is vital for shipowners who are looking to compare various ship managers bids for technical management of their ships, banks who are concerned about the performance of their ship manager, and ship managers who may wish to use this data alongside their own in house KPIs as part of their marketing activities.”

The week-long event in New York City, June 2019, culminated in Idwal featuring at the Nasdaq closing ceremony and company proudly displayed in Times Square.

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