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Idwal News

Shaping Idwal ID with Client Collaboration

by Sue Henney

At Idwal, we're committed to evolving our Idwal ID platform based on real-world client needs and we work with industry leaders to enhance our offering.

Defect management within Idwal ID streamlines the process of handling and rectifying vessel defects. Developed in response to valuable feedback from multiple clients, this system facilitates efficient management of defect rectifications and enhances communication with Technical Managers.

Client-shaped features of defect management tool within Idwal ID:
Defect summary table
  • Implemented after owner highlighted the need for summarised information
  • Provides quick overview of defect status (open, in progress, rectified, closed)
  • Client feedback: "It's really helpful! Previously I counted the defects one by one."


Screenshot 2024-07-08 at 15.14.14

Multi-recipient defect sharing
  • Added functionality to share defects with multiple users at Technical Management company
  • Client feedback: They appreciated the ability to "add many email addresses to share defect info at the same time."

Screenshot 2024-07-08 at 15.11.28

Defect identification process
  • Implemented after owner wanted to be able to reference a given defect (or defects) when communicating with Technical Managers

By continually incorporating client feedback, we're ensuring that Idwal ID remains a powerful, user-friendly tool that meets the evolving needs of the maritime industry.



Condition improvement programme

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